Our vision is to be a place where our guests find rest, feel compassion and discover hope. We want caregivers to leave Restore Place feeling refreshed and renewed in order to continue providing their children with the best care possible.
RESTTime away from the daily requirements of caring for children with special needs and life-threatening illnesses is essential. Restore Place offers parents a two-night stay at a local Bed and Breakfast. We’ll also treat you to dinner, a spa package and other amenities. You’ll leave feeling well-rested and pampered.
ENCOURAGEMENTPeople are strengthened when they receive regular encouragement and hope. Restore Place offers both. We can be a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on if you need one. And after your stay, we’d love to continue the journey with you.
COMPASSIONWhile you are at Restore Place, you’ll be well cared for…and loved. We know how far love and compassion can take you down this road. And we’d love to pour it out to you during your stay.